Water trucks have a crucial part to play in the world around us. These trucks, designed with water tanks to distribute water safely and effectively, can be used for delivery, fire suppression, dust suppression, and so much more.
In this article, Wabash Mfg. Inc. discusses these trucks in detail to help you learn everything you need to know before procuring one of your own. This article will act as an introduction to a series of explorative blogs that will be published over the next few months on the high quality and innovative water trucks manufactured by Wabash Mfg. Inc.
Types and Capacities of Water Trucks
Water truck tanks are designed to transport water safely. They are available in different types and sizes depending on the specifications and needs of the business that utilizes them. The size of the tanks is determined by the max gross vehicle weight of the truck and is determined by the area they operate in. Some smaller water trucks will have a capacity of between 5,000 and 10,000 litres (1320.86 – 2641.721 gallons), whereas bigger tanks will hold up to 20,000 litres (5283.441 gallons).
Different worksite settings have unique needs that need to be considered, and since water trucks can be customizable, it is possible to get one that is ideal for your needs and wants specifically. Although the tank capacity isn’t the only customizable part of a water truck, this is the central part of the truck and getting the right size and type for your needs is essential. Some different types of tanks include:
- Steel tanks, Stainless steel tanks and aluminum tanks.
- Potable and non-potable tanks.
- Tanks with numerous water truck sprayer options.
- Tanks with different types of mounting configurations.
To determine the water truck capacity you will need to look at your goals. Water tanks are designed to maximize the capacity of water that you can carry at once. They also include a number of baffles that will keep the movement of the liquid to a minimum; this is also referred to as surge to maintain stability during travels.

Top 5 Uses For Water Trucks.
Different types of water trucks are used in different scenarios. When you are looking for a water truck it is good to consider in which context this truck will be used, how much water you need and over which period of time you will need it. Water trucks are used for:
- Residential use: In some cases, homeowners might use water pump trucks to transport large amounts of water to their homes. This can be done for many reasons, such as filling tanks in a shortage of clean water, filling large pools, cisterns or spraying certain parts of land.
- Commercial use: Water trucks are an essential part of many job sites. They are used to provide drinking or fresh clean water, wash off equipment, wash filter materials and power pressure washers. The specifications for trucks used in the commercial industry will depend greatly on the particular project’s needs.
- Farming: Used in essential functions such as irrigation, these trucks can have a massive impact on the efficiency of a farm, especially on remote farms and in the event of a drought. These trucks play an essential part in drought survival and recovery for farmers.
- Municipal use, firefighting and disaster relief: This includes the use of water trucks in the event of fires, drought, or any other natural disasters. In this case, these trucks will be used as water sources to distribute clean, usable water to communities in need. This is a much-needed solution used to help aid in recovery after disaster strikes.
- Construction and mining: Water trucks play a vital role in stopping the rise and spread of dust from large-scale constructions and mining operations. Suppressing these dust particles can help to maintain the longevity of machinery and workers’ health. This water is also used for many other vital purposes during the mining and construction processes.
The Top 3 Qualities To Look For In A Water Truck
When acquiring a new water truck for your business, there are certain things you need to look at. These trucks can be an excellent investment to your company, but they also come at a considerable expense. Whether you need a standard water truck or one with customized equipment here are 3 major things that you must consider before buying a truck of your own:
- Cost and financing
Consider the funds you have available and how much revenue the truck can bring you. If you are taking a loan or financing for the truck, it is also vital that you consider the interest rates associated with it and how long it will take you to pay it off. Wabash Mfg. Inc. has financing options available for you.
- Features and enhancement ability
Consider the benefits of buying a new truck in comparison to older models. Some models will have better mileage and technology, not to mention that some might be more compatible with the support equipment you need for your projects. Other things to look for are strong water pumps and valves to help keep the disbursement of water flowing, heavy-duty liners to protect from corrosion, and sturdy, well-protected hose reels and spray nozzles. If you are not sure about the quality of these parts, ask for specs and compare them with other trucks before purchasing.
Water Truck Safety 101
When using water trucks, there can be many potential hazards. That is why it is essential to know how to avoid and handle them should they arise. Some of the potential safety hazards to look out for are:
- Fall injuries
- Mud and puddles
- Overloading
- Tripping injuries
- Ice in water
Because accidents can occur easily, we must learn about water truck safety before operating these vehicles. Water trucks should also only be used for their intended purpose according to industry best practices. Some of the essential safety tips for water trucks are:
- To maintain situational awareness at all times
- To avoid oversaturating the ground
- To only start spraying when the truck has begun driving
- To always warm up the truck before using it
- To carefully adjust the speed of the truck
- To make sure that the truck is ready for any weather circumstances
Whether you are a seasoned driver or a beginner, it is crucial to regularly freshen up on your safety knowledge to avoid unnecessary issues and accidents. Be aware of your terrain and what is going on around you and follow operational guidelines as best you can.
The Importance Of Water Trucks In Mines And Construction.
Water trucks play a vital role in both small and large-scale projects across the construction and mining industry. They are equipped with specialty equipment to play critical roles in many different projects.
These trucks must carry large quantities of water in a single trip while navigating the rugged terrains of sites easily. This makes water trucks purpose-specific to mining and construction projects. If you are wondering what the benefit of a water truck to your job site might be, here are a few of the crucial tasks that water trucks can fulfill:
- Water trucks make it efficient and straightforward to create and maintain paths/roads through soil compaction, cutting down on unnecessary labour. These trucks compress the terrain into a flat, even surface in conjunction with rollers or graders.
- Mines depend on water trucks to suppress dust. Without these trucks, mines and construction sites might face many challenges due to excessive dust particles. Dust can minimize the lifespan of several types of equipment, create health issues for workers and make the work site almost unbearable.
These vehicles can be used in many different settings across these industries to aid and simplify operations. Custom water trucks can be built to match the needs of your specific terrain and site.
Using a Water Truck to Suppress Dust
Since dust suppression can be a vital part of construction and mining operations, it is crucial to procure a water truck for your site. Mining and construction sites must suppress dust to prevent air and water pollution due to dust travelling through the air.
Water trucks are a cost-effective way to get excellent results for dust control when used correctly. So how should you use water trucks? The answer to that question will depend greatly on your site’s size, atmospheric differences, and needs. For most sites, it might be necessary to apply water between 1-3 times a day.
Here are some of the advantages of using a water truck on your site:
- It reduces damage to equipment caused by dust particles.
- It reduces the amount of water needed for dust pollution reduction.
- It lowers health risks associated with dust pollution.
- It prevents dust from spreading to nearby areas and towns.
- It is used to spray roads to create hard, smooth, even roads that don’t cause dust or leave potholes.
By suppressing dust on your site, you will be able to avoid any potential hazards and legalities that may accompany dust and air pollution while maintaining a safe, pleasant and healthy work environment. Water trucks are by far the most effective and cost-efficient way to suppress big amounts of dust on your sites.
Using this guide, you will be able to make the right decision when procuring a water truck for your job site. If you require a customized heavy equipment solution for your water delivery needs, feel free to contact Wabash today. Wabash supplies water trucks and customized equipment that are specifically designed for mining, oilfield, construction and municipal operations. Throughout the day, Wabash water trucks can be a reliable source of water.